Tattoo Removal Scars (17 Prevention Secrets)

When compared to just a few years ago, the risk of ending up with tattoo removal scars has reduced dramatically.
Does tattoo removal scar?
With the right technician, technology and aftercare, the risk should be less than 5%.
Below, you can learn the 17 BEST & ONLY ways to achieve successful tattoo removal without scarring.
1. Choose a Clinic with New Laser Technology
The technology has advanced dramatically in the last few years. These new systems can now treat your ink effectively, without harming your surrounding skin.
The older laser devices would still target your ink, but they’d heat the surrounding tissue beyond repair. Because of this very reason, it was impossible to treat tattoos without damaging heat & related scarring.
Nowadays, every clinic who specializes in this procedure needs to be equipped with New-Generation Q-Switched Nanosecond Laser Technology.
Don’t be left wondering how to get rid of tattoo removal scars. Prevent them in the first place.
Related: How Painful Are the Laser Sessions?
2. Verify Your Technician’s Experience

An inexperienced laser technician can hurt your skin if he or she doesn’t use the laser power settings properly.
Here’s the deal:
Your ink density changes with every treatment.
It takes a special kind of skill & experience to evaluate that change in ink density. Using the proper fluence (power) with every session is vital.
A properly trained, experienced technician will gather information from you during your initial consultation. He or she will then determine your skin type and ink density, and adjust the laser settings accordingly.
Can’t any laser technician do this?
This is more of a guessing game for someone who doesn’t treat ink all day, every day. So choosing an experienced technician will provide the safest, most effective treatment outcome.
3. Choose a Certified Laser Specialist

Not all states require certification to fire a laser. Some clinics only have the basic laser operations training (one day) that comes with the purchase of a new laser. Some won’t even have that if they purchased their equipment used (yikes).
It’s always wise to look into these things, and ask questions.
Which Certifications are Best?
We recommend finding a technician/facility who’s certified through A Laser Academy. they will be equipped with the following expert grade certifications:
1. Laser Tattoo Removal Specialist – L.T.R.S
2. Laser Safety Officer – L.S.O.
These two certifications are considered the gold standard in this industry. We were specifically trained there to produce results with a 0% risk of scarring.
4. Follow Your After Care Religiously
Following your aftercare instructions is extremely important for preventing laser tattoo removal scars. The details should be explained to you precisely by your technician.
Complications are very rare, but if they do occur, 99% of the time it’s due to patient non-compliance with aftercare instructions.
It’s up to you to look after your skin, and care for it while it’s healing.
The healing process can make or break the overall outcome of your skin’s appearance.
5. Don’t Pop Your Blisters
Blistering is normal and can occur after any laser session.
Blisters mean that your immune system is trying to heal by removing the ink from your skin.
They can appear after any treatment. However, you’re most likely to get them after your first couple treatments, due to the higher amount of ink density.
Do not pop them. If they do pop, let the skin flake off on it’s own, don’t pick the skin away. Picking at the skin or popping the blisters can result in scarring or infection.
Blisters are a normal part of the healing process, and taking care of them is an extremely important step in tattoo removal scar prevention.
6. Keep Your Tattoo Out of the Sun
It’s no secret that sun and UV light is the enemy of healthy skin. You need to keep your ink covered throughout your entire treatment plan to avoid burning or related scarring.
Obviously you can’t avoid being outside. But if you plan on being outside during your treatment plan, keep an SPF 25 sunblock over the treated area.
This instruction should also be followed two months following your last appointment, just to be safe. The area can be sensitive to UV light for quite awhile after, so it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.
Check this helpful resource on this subject:
fun in the sun can be harmful to tattoos
7. Keep the Area Clean While it’s Healing
While it’s not always necessary to keep it covered, your treatment site needs to be kept clean.
Any kind of dirt or grime will interfere with the healing process and could induce skin related side effects.
It’s recommended to gently clean the area with soap and water at least a couple times a day with sensitive skin soap or body wash.
8. Don’t Pick at Your Scabs
Here is a fairly obvious tip that often gets overlooked.
Many of us pick away at scabs without thinking twice about it. More of a bad habit than anything else.
Scabbing may develop during the later stages of a treatment plan, when high laser energy is needed.
During which time, it’s vital that you let the scabs flake off on their own. If you pick them too early, tattoo removal scars are almost guaranteed.
9. Take Steps To Avoid Infection
Simple daily rituals like cleaning the tattoo site a couple times daily will avoid infection.
Do not allow the skin to become scraped in any way, it could result in infection and/or scarring.
Shaving the treatment area should also be avoided, until it’s fully healed.
Using triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin while it’s healing is recommended. If you blister, use Aquaphore instead.
10. Avoid Pools and Hot Tubs for 48 Hours
Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs for at least 48 hours after each appointment.
Here’s why:
Even though new laser devices don’t break the skin, we are applying laser energy.
Pools or hot tubs can be full of bacteria that can lead to infection.
Also, avoid soaking the treatment area in a bath tub while it’s healing.
11. Apply Ointment 2-3 Times Daily
To speed up the healing of your tattoo site and reduce the risk of scarring apply a thin layer of ointment 2-3 times while it’s healing.
If you develop blisters, it’s advised to use Aquaphore or Vaseline.
If not, a triple antibiotic like Neosporin or Polysporin will help.
12. Wear Loose Fitting Clothes
In the week following each session, loose fitting clothes are recommend on areas around your tattoo site.
You want to avoid something like a belt scraping up against your skin.
Blisters or scabs can easily be ripped off by this way.
13. Stay Hydrated
Drinking lots of water is highly recommended throughout your entire treatment plan.
Aside from the huge benefit of ink removal, keeping hydrated helps your skin heal faster.
Having dry skin is not ideal before or after any laser treatment.
14. Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis can suppress your healing results, and increase your risk of developing tattoo removal scars.
It may also affect your immune system and dehydrate your skin and body.
15. Take Your Time Between Appointments
The best amount of time to wait between appointments is 4-8 weeks.
The more time you allow your skin to heal, the lower the risk of developing skin related side effects.
As a general rule, tattoos furthest from your heart and neck should be spaced out longer.
Vascular areas will heal and respond better to treatment.
16. Slap it Don’t Scratch it
Itching is fairly common.
Once it does start to itch, slap the treatment area rather than scratch it.
17. Apply SPF 30 Sunscreen
Finally, if you plan on being in the sun, make sure it’s been at least a week after your appointment.
Use an SPF of at least 30 on your ink, and the area surrounding. If it gets wet, reapply.
Avoid Banana Boat, it should be Zinc based.
There you have it! Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars? The risk can be as low as 0% with the right technology, skill and aftercare as outlined on this page.
Your goal should be to shrink your risk of laser tattoo removal scars to an absolute minimum. Follow the steps listed above, and you will be well on your way to achieving that goal.
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